Alexis Smart
I Quit
Dispel cravings and bad habits with Alexis Smart's I Quit Remedy.
From smoking (any substance) to internet scrolling, compulsive eating, bad habits such as nail biting that do not serve your higher good - this potion will help to break the behavioural patterns that no longer support your best self; quiet obsessive thoughts, calm irritability, promote inner fulfillment and a craving for more wholesome habits.
4 drops, 4 times a day under the tongue. 1 bottle is a 1 month supply if taken as directed. *May be taken more frequently as needed.
Pick the flower remedy that most relates to your feelings and emotional state overall, at the moment. If some of the symptoms listed do not pertain to you, the formula will still be effective in treating the symptoms you do have. An inappropriate remedy will not hurt or cause adverse reaction.
30ml - alcohol free.
Contains a proprietrary blend of organic, wild harvested, biodynamic flower essences, spring water and glycerine.
30mL, 1fl.oz